
We will partner with you to:

  • Define your goals
  • Identify and extract your data
  • Define how we will act on what we learn
  • Involve you as little or as much as you request
  • Keep you engaged and informed throughout the process

What to expect.

We work with you based on your needs. We want to hear from you about your business concerns and goals.  Q5 has a bias toward not only helping you meet your goals but also, to a level you are comfortable with, helping you understand how and why we did what we did so that you are learning and increasing your comfort level with what you may now think of as analytical voodoo or just an area that is more complex than you think you can absorb. We just need to know in your words what your goals and needs are and we can take it from there.

The Data

In a perfect world this data will be consolidated and clean, but we have never lived a day in a perfect world. If you have data, then we have somewhere to start. We have a proven track record of making significant improvements in our client’s businesses with limited data. Even if it is stored in disparate locations and formats, you will be pleasantly surprised by the value we can extract from it.

What data can you make available?
What data can you make use of that we can bring to the project?
Do we need to research additional sources?